Our Team

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Quick Facts

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Year Founded

# of Mutual Funds
  10 / no-load / actively-managed

Advisor to the Funds
  Kornitzer Capital Management

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A Commitment to Success

We have a team of dedicated professionals committed to helping you identify and achieve your financial goals. Of the individuals who make up this firm, roughly half hold the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.

13 CFA charterholders, 11 MBAs
Our experience is broad and deep. Portfolio managers have, on average, over 29 years of professional investment experience. We have investment experts in every market sector, specialized research analysts, and a dedicated trading staff.

Our team of client service professionals has a broad base of skills and are highly accessible. All are committed to long-term client success and personalized service.

The Buffalo Funds are also governed by a Board of Trustees which provides oversight of the Funds.

Investment Team

Laura Symon Browne, CFP, ChFC

Dave Carlsen, CFA

Doug Cartwright, CFA

Jeff Deardorff, CFA

Paul Dlugosch, CFA

Frank Diebold, CFA

Tim Jenkins, CFA

Tori Johnson, CFA

John Kornitzer

Nicole Kornitzer, CFA

Ken Laudan

Bob Male, CFA

Craig Richard, CFA

Jeff Sitzmann, CFA

Nathan Soulis, CFA

Pat Srinivas

Josh West, CFA

Distribution & Marketing Team

Christopher Crawford

Scott Johnson

Reed Roberts

Fundamental Approach

We get to know the companies we invest in and learn how they run their business.

Top-Down & Bottom-Up

We identify Top-Down broad, secular growth trends and search for companies from the Bottom-Up.

Proprietary Philosophy

We construct our portfolios based on our own proprietary investment strategy.

Disciplined Investing

Sticking to our disciplined investment strategy ensures we maintain a consistent, balanced approach.

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