
Welcome to the Buffalo Funds!

We are a family of 10 actively-managed, no-load mutual funds, which provide a variety of long-term investment options for shareholders. We believe patient investing, backed by solid, intelligent research, can be the best way to achieve long-term financial rewards.

The Buffalo Funds are distinguished by our:

  • Long-term investment strategy
  • Team-based, idea-sharing management style
  • Top-down/bottom-up philosophy, driven by internally generated research and a strict valuation discipline
  • Midwest headquarters, far from the noise and distraction of coastal markets
  • Commitment to finding what we consider to be premier companies whose securities hold the potential to provide attractive returns at competitive prices

(While the funds are no-load, management and other expenses still apply. Please refer to the prospectus for further details.)

What sets us apart?

We encourage in-person meetings with our teams, which provides the opportunity to meet with our portfolio managers and research analysts, to learn more about our investment strategies and fulfill any due diligence obligations you may have.

Institutional / Adviser Relations
Christopher Crawford
(913) 647-2321

Scott Johnson
(913) 754-1537

For general inquiries, please email us at

Click here to view a listing of the platforms where you can find the Buffalo Funds.

Resources for Financial Professionals

Please note: Registration may be required to access certain information on our website intended only for registered professionals. This material should not be shared with the general public.

Fundamental Approach

We get to know the companies we invest in and learn how they run their business.

Top-Down & Bottom-Up

We identify Top-Down broad, secular growth trends and search for companies from the Bottom-Up.

Proprietary Philosophy

We construct our portfolios based on our own proprietary investment strategy.

Disciplined Investing

Sticking to our disciplined investment strategy ensures we maintain a consistent, balanced approach.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.

