Frequently Asked Questions

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Find answers to your most common mutual fund questions

We are providing this information only as a reference to current and prospective shareholders and should not be relied on solely to make a decision whether or not to invest in any mutual fund. Please refer to the Buffalo Funds prospectus for additional information.

If you have further questions, call us at (800) 49-BUFFALO.


What is a mutual fund?

What are some of the potential benefits of investing in a mutual fund?

What are some of the disadvantages of investing in a mutual fund?

Are there any risks involved in investing in mutual funds?

What are the different types of mutual funds?

What are the fees to invest in a mutual fund?

What are the most common types of share classes?

What is the difference between active and passive management?

What is Net Asset Value (NAV)?

Can I invest periodically throughout the year?

Shareholder Info

Can I buy Buffalo Funds without a financial adviser?

What is the minimum amount of money I can invest in a mutual fund?

How do I get started with a new account?

How do I access my account and check my balance?

How do I change my beneficiaries?

How do I determine my cost basis?

How do I get a Prospectus, Annual Report, or SAI?

What are the ticker symbols for the Buffalo Funds?

How do I verify transactions?

How do I view daily prices and fund performance?

What are the investment objectives of my Fund?

What securities are held in my Fund?

Where can I find tax info on the Funds?

Who manages the assets of the Buffalo Funds?

Where can I find insights and commentaries on the performance and outlook for the Funds?

Fundamental Approach

We get to know the companies we invest in and learn how they run their business.

Top-Down & Bottom-Up

We identify Top-Down broad, secular growth trends and search for companies from the Bottom-Up.

Proprietary Philosophy

We construct our portfolios based on our own proprietary investment strategy.

Disciplined Investing

Sticking to our disciplined investment strategy ensures we maintain a consistent, balanced approach.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.