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Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds Copy

Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo Flexible Income and International Funds as “Top-Performing Mutual Funds” in their recent fund analysis for the period ending April 30, 2022.

The Buffalo Flexible Income Fund (BUFBX) ranked #1 in the Hybrid Stock Funds category for 1-year annualized returns based on Morningstar’s universe of 25,000+ funds. (BUFBX was not ranked in the top 10 for the 3, 5, 10, or 20-year time period)

The Buffalo International Fund (BUFIX) ranked #9 in the International Diversified Large-Company Funds category for 5-year annualized returns based on Morningstar’s universe of 25,000+ funds. (BUFIX was not ranked in the top 10 for the 1, 3, 10, or 20-year time period)

Management Team:

Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower of higher than the performance quoted. Quarter-end performance can be obtained here and month-end performance can be obtained here.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.


Buffalo Funds named to IBD Best Mutual Funds 2022

Buffalo Funds named to IBD Best Mutual Funds 2022

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Buffalo Funds named to IBD Best Mutual Funds 2022


The Buffalo International Fund (BUFIX) and the Buffalo High Yield Fund (BUFHX) are included on the Investor’s Business Daily 2022 Best Mutual Funds Award Winner list, in the 7th annual ranking by the investment publication, announced this week.

The International Fund was included in the Best International Stock Funds, and the High Yield Fund was included in the Best U.S. Taxable Bond Funds.

Funds named to IBD’s list were chosen because they have outperformed their benchmark index over the past 1, 3, 5, and 10-year periods, as of 12/31/21. In order to make the list, funds must have outperformed in all four time periods. IBD made its selections from 3,673 mutual funds that met the criteria of having at least 10 years of operation.

We’re honored that our funds have been recognized in this way by IBD. These funds exemplify our firm’s goal of consistently delivering strong risk-adjusted performance to our shareholders, said Kent Gasaway, president of the Buffalo Funds.

The Buffalo International Fund has been managed by Nicole Kornitzer since 2009.

The Buffalo High Yield Fund is managed by Paul Dlugosch, Jeff Sitzmann, and Jeff Deardorff.

To view IBD’s complete list and analysis of the Best Mutual Funds 2022, please visit:

Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original value. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end may be obtained here. Performance data current to the most recent quarter-end may be obtained here. Performance is annualized for periods greater than 1 year.

Opinions expressed are those of the author or Funds and are subject to change, are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice.

References to other mutual funds should not to be considered an offer to buy or sell these securities.


BUFIX and BUFHX named to Investor’s Business Daily Best Mutual Funds 2022 list in the International Stock Fund and U.S. Taxable Bond Funds categories, respectively.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.


Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds

Media Coverage

Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds

Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo Flexible Income and International Funds as “Top-Performing Mutual Funds” in their recent fund analysis for the period ending March 31, 2022.

The Buffalo Flexible Income Fund (BUFBX) ranked #2 in the Hybrid Stock Funds category for 1-year annualized returns based on Morningstar’s universe of 25,000+ funds. (BUFBX was not ranked in the top 10 for the 3, 5, 10, or 20-year time period)

The Buffalo International Fund (BUFIX) ranked #10 in the International Diversified Large-Company Funds category for 5-year annualized returns based on Morningstar’s universe of 25,000+ funds. (BUFIX was not ranked in the top 10 for the 1, 3, 10, or 20-year time period)

Management Team:

Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower of higher than the performance quoted. Quarter-end performance can be obtained here and month-end performance can be obtained here.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.


“Industry Perspectives” 1Q 2022

“Industry Perspectives” 1Q 2022

Home > Insights & News > White Papers & Research > Industry Perspectives 1Q 2022

Download our latest "Industry Perspectives"


Read our view on the economy and key drivers of change in the global equity markets.

Date Published:
April 2022



A number of existing issues continue to weigh on markets, including the extraordinary monetary and fiscal stimulus measures taken to boost the economy amidst the COVID pandemic, as well as new issues such as the war in Ukraine. Disruption from the war and sanctions on Russia will exacerbate the supply-side inflationary problems worldwide in the near-term. However, the labor market remains strong, as are consumer balance sheets, and there is still a lot of pent up consumer demand for a range of products and services.

In this latest Industry Perspectives, we discuss:

  • Resurgent variants of COVID and the war in Ukraine have added to the existing uncertainty in the markets, buoyed by an inverted yield curve signaling a potential looming recession.
  • However, the labor market remains strong, as are consumer balance sheets, and there is still a lot of pent up consumer demand.
  • The Federal Reserve will try to manage a soft landing, bringing inflation under control with as little damage to the economy as possible.

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Terms of Use – Email lists are created for use by U.S. investment professionals only and are published strictly for informational purposes. Providing access to the content of these emails does not explicitly or implicitly constitute a solicitation of services or products of the Buffalo Funds, Kornitzer Capital Management, or any of their affiliates. The information contained in the emails is not intended for distribution to, or for use by, investment professionals in a jurisdiction where distribution or purchase is not authorized. The information contained in these emails is not appropriate for use by individual investors. By registering for any of these emails, you agree to Buffalo's terms and conditions and that you are qualified as an institutional investor or otherwise member of a registered broker/dealer, registered investment adviser, or investment consulting firm.


Hedging Against Inflation: Protecting Your Portfolio Against Market Fluctuations

Home > Advisor Blog > Hedging Against Inflation: Protecting Your Portfolio Against Market Fluctuations

Hedging Against Inflation: Protecting Your Portfolio Against Market Fluctuations

It is difficult to deny we live in volatile times. The sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine have sent the Russian economy into a freefall that is likely to have ramifications on the sanctioning nations as well. As COVID-19 transitions from pandemic to endemic, economic stability may be a long time in coming. Meanwhile, all the money produced and spent on COVID relief, as well as supply chain interruptions and unfulfilled consumer demand have led to serious inflation. With uncertainty the only worldwide certainty, protecting one’s portfolio from volatility and ensuring reliable gains becomes an investor’s greatest priority.

Inflation especially can be a major threat to one’s investments. The math is straightforward: if money has less value, investments are less valuable. Unchecked inflation is itself volatile, as it can both raise and lower the cost of borrowing, and do the same for unemployment. Thus while inflation is making investments less inherently valuable at their current total, it is also threatening to reduce that total, as more sensitive investments suffer in the wake of economic downturn. Investors hoping to counter volatility with stability should make sure their money is always working for them.

Growth And Value

Growth stocks are one particularly straightforward way to safeguard against inflation. If investments are losing value both in dollars and per dollar, a growth stock will increase the value of a portfolio, combating at least half of the problem. Growth stocks are shares in any company expected to grow at a significantly higher-than-average rate for the market, with the premise of providing profits through capital gains and the eventual sale of the shares.

Normally contrasted against growth stocks, value stocks belong to companies whose shares trade at a lower price than indicated by its fundamentals. These are the classic “buy low, sell high” stocks where the investor assumes the price will rise to better reflect the company’s intrinsic value. Where a growth stock counters inflation and volatility through reliable growth at a high price, value stocks offer low-cost chances to increase value. In times of high inflation, investors can purchase value stocks at a low price without much risk, knowing one especially successful value stock could pay for all the rest.

Reliable Growth

While individual growth stocks and value stocks could both provide a substantial return-on-investment, investors looking to emphasize stability may choose to invest in broad-based mutual funds. There are also mutual funds which focus on specific asset classes that generally perform well during periods of high inflation, including gold, commodities (such as oil, wheat, and precious metals), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and Treasury-Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Investors could also consider equity income mutual funds that pay high dividends as a way to offer greater protection against inflation.

Stay Off The Sidelines

What all of these investments have in common is that they are active steps to mitigate or hedge against inflation. Investors may see pulling money out of the market or simply not investing further as the commonsense reaction to a crisis, but such an approach leaves money sitting on the sidelines rather than working to bolster a portfolio and could lead to greater losses down the road. Especially since the best strategy when faced with inflation is the tried-and-true strategy of diversification: spreading one’s assets out into several or all of the above markets, so that no one crisis or unforeseen disaster can ruin a portfolio.

In trying times like these, market ups and downs are inevitable. The best advice to give investors is to counter volatility with stability and uncertainty with confidence. Keeping one’s money in the market through hedges against inflation is a sound way to create a resilient portfolio.

Christopher Crawford is the Head of Sales & Marketing for the Buffalo Funds. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial services industry, previously holding positions at Invesco, IMA Financial Group, and Arthur J. Gallagher. At the Buffalo Funds, Christopher works with investment consultant relations, key account management, institutional distribution and client service. His main goal is to partner with advisers to bring business building ideas and provide unparalleled customer support to their business, always striving to make it easy and reliable to work with the entire Buffalo Funds investment team. Christopher received an M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis and a B.S.F.A. from Southern Methodist University. He also holds licenses for the Series 7, Series 63, and Series 65.

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Christopher Crawford
Head of Sales and Marketing