3 Conversations During Market Volatility

After a long and fairly peaceful run, the stock market has been on a roller-coaster ride thus far in 2018, one that has included the first drop of at least 10% since 2016.

Financial advisers know that discussing market volatility with clients is largely an emotional matter. Use this quick guide to help begin those client conversations that re-evaluate investment risk tolerances, including preparing for various market outcomes.

In this report, we cover:

  • Focusing on downside protection as a strategy
  • Delivering value in all-weather conditions
  • Taking a team-based approach to investment management
  • Preparing in advance for “normal” market events
  • The value of active management

For many investors, the 2008-2009 financial crisis and resulting severe bear market is still fresh in mind. Use this quick guide to help clients re-evaluate their investment risk tolerances and prepare for various market conditions.

Download our latest report today to prepare for tomorrow!

Opinions expressed are those of the author or Funds and are subject to change, are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice.

Active investing has higher management fees because of the manager’s increased level of involvement while passive investing has lower management and operating fees. Investing in both actively and passively managed mutual funds involves risk and principal loss is possible. Both actively and passively managed mutual funds generally have daily liquidity. There are no guarantees regarding the performance of actively and passively managed mutual funds. Actively managed mutual funds may have higher portfolio turnover than passively managed funds. Excessive turnover can limit returns and can incur capital gains. Stocks, hedge funds, mutual funds, ETF’s and other investments products have different risk-return profiles, which should be considered when investing. All investments contain risk and may lose value.

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Discover the 3 key conversations investors should be having with their financial advisers before the markets become increasingly volatile.


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