Media Coverage

“Money Life Market Call” with Buffalo Small Cap Fund PM Jamie Cuellar

September 2, 2020


Buffalo Funds Small Cap co-portfolio manager Jamie Cuellar, CFA, recently appeared on the “Money Life with Chuck Jaffe” podcast.

During the call, Jamie goes in-depth on small-cap investing and provides an overview of his investment methodology. He also covers the current state of investing in small-cap technology and healthcare companies. Jamie also provides thoughts on the following companies:

  • Pluralsight (NASDAQ: PS)
  • Ligand Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: LGND)
  • Calix (NASDAQ: CALX)
  • Lovesac (NASDAQ: LOVE)
  • Quidel (NASDAQ: QDEL)

People are accelerating their digital transformation. So there are some stocks within technology that have gotten pretty expensive. High growth software is as an area that we think has gotten really pricey, but we’re still able to find names that are reasonably valued.
~ Jamie Cuellar, CFA, Co-Portfolio Manager, Buffalo Small Cap Fund


Jamie Cuellar, CFA
Portfolio Manager
28 Years of Experience
 View full bio

Opinions expressed are those of the author or Funds as of 9/1/20 and are subject to change, are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice. References to other mutual funds should not to be considered an offer to buy or sell these securities. A full listing of the Buffalo Small Cap Fund portfolio holdings can be found here. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Earnings growth is not representative of the Fund’s future performance.

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