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Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds
Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo International and Flexible Income Funds as “Top-Performing Mutual Funds” in their recent fund analysis.
Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds
Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo Small Cap and International Funds as “Top-Performing Mutual Funds” in their recent fund analysis.
“Industry Perspectives” 3Q 2021
Inflationary fears, upcoming Federal Reserve bond tapering, and uncertainty surrounding the passage of Congressional infrastructure bills continue to grip the markets. We do see potential for higher equity prices in the near-term but lower overall returns next year, especially compared to the past few abnormally high-return years.
Webinar – “Dividend Funds: Do We Even Need Bonds?”
Jeff Deardorff, CFA, Buffalo Dividend Focus Fund co-portfolio manager, was a featured presenter during a recent CFRA Research webinar, where he discussed the current state of dividend investing and ultimately answered the question “Do We Even Need Bonds?”
Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds
Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo Small Cap as a “Top-Performing Mutual Fund” in their recent fund analysis.
Barron’s Profile of Buffalo Small Cap Fund PM Bob Male
Bob Male, Buffalo Small Cap co-portfolio manager, discusses his team’s trend-spotting and portfolio-building strategies that help the Fund find small companies with the potential to grow into large ones.
Kiplinger: Top-Performing Mutual Funds
Kiplinger recognized the Buffalo Small Cap as a “Top-Performing Mutual Fund” in their recent fund analysis.
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Active investing has higher management fees because of the manager’s increased level of involvement while passive investing has lower management and operating fees. Investing in both actively and passively managed mutual funds involves risk and principal loss is possible. Both actively and passively managed mutual funds generally have daily liquidity. There are no guarantees regarding the performance of actively and passively managed mutual funds. Actively managed mutual funds may have higher portfolio turnover than passively managed funds. Excessive turnover can limit returns and can incur capital gains.
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