Media Coverage
Buffalo Funds named to IBD Best Mutual Funds 2022
The Buffalo International Fund (BUFIX) and the Buffalo High Yield Fund (BUFHX) are included on the Investor’s Business Daily 2022 Best Mutual Funds Award Winner list, in the 7th annual ranking by the investment publication, announced this week.
The International Fund was included in the Best International Stock Funds, and the High Yield Fund was included in the Best U.S. Taxable Bond Funds.
Funds named to IBD’s list were chosen because they have outperformed their benchmark index over the past 1, 3, 5, and 10-year periods, as of 12/31/21. In order to make the list, funds must have outperformed in all four time periods. IBD made its selections from 3,673 mutual funds that met the criteria of having at least 10 years of operation.
“We’re honored that our funds have been recognized in this way by IBD. These funds exemplify our firm’s goal of consistently delivering strong risk-adjusted performance to our shareholders,“ said Kent Gasaway, president of the Buffalo Funds.
The Buffalo International Fund has been managed by Nicole Kornitzer since 2009.
The Buffalo High Yield Fund is managed by Paul Dlugosch, Jeff Sitzmann, and Jeff Deardorff.
To view IBD’s complete list and analysis of the Best Mutual Funds 2022, please visit:
Opinions expressed are those of the author or Funds and are subject to change, are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice.
References to other mutual funds should not to be considered an offer to buy or sell these securities.
BUFIX and BUFHX named to Investor’s Business Daily Best Mutual Funds 2022 list in the International Stock Fund and U.S. Taxable Bond Funds categories, respectively.

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