Advisor Blog

Our Advisor Blog helps financial advisers build their practice, educate them on different industry topics, and improve their level of service to clients.

Many of our articles can also be found in Financial Advisor magazine.

Hedging Against Inflation: Protecting Your Portfolio Against Market Fluctuations

Christopher Crawford

With uncertainty the only worldwide certainty, protecting one’s portfolio from volatility and ensuring reliable gains becomes an investor’s greatest priority, especially with the looming threat of high inflation. Investors hoping to counter volatility with stability should make sure their money is always working for them.  Read More

Considering ESG: Measuring Corporate Responsibility(part 1 of 2)

Christopher Crawford

Common sense dictates that ROI (return on investment) is the most important acronym in a portfolio, but another three-letter term has been catching up: ESG (Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance). What should investors know about ESG, and does this metric measure any tangible value, or is it an intrusion of non-business concerns into the market?  Read More

Considering ESG: Measuring Corporate Responsibility(part 2 of 2)

Christopher Crawford

Understanding what ESG measures, we can now discuss the practical effects of ESG on return-on-investment and what role it should play, if any, when crafting a portfolio. Does ESG lead to more profitable companies or just more ethical and sustainable ones, and how should that affect investment decisions?  Read More

What Investors Should Understand about IPOs and Meme Stocks(part 1 of 2)

Christopher Crawford

IPOs (initial public offerings) and meme stocks have garnered headlines in recent years. While investing in an IPO or a meme stock has the potential for investment returns under the right circumstances, a client’s risk tolerance should be questioned prior to investing.  Read More

What Investors Should Understand about IPOs and Meme Stocks(part 2 of 2)

Christopher Crawford

Thrill-seeking individuals might enjoy speculating some of their investment portfolio on meme stocks, but these people need both serious investment advice and to be on the pulse of the memes themselves.  Read More

How to Discuss Cryptocurrency with Clients

Christopher Crawford

Cryptocurrency remains an emerging phenomenon, and financial advisers are telling their clients it is highly speculative and to approach with caution.  Read More

Preparing for a Post-Pandemic World: 3 Key Tips for Financial Advisors

Christopher Crawford

As CDC guidelines have eased, following these three tips will help your practice transition back to in-person meetings, while keeping in mind public health and the comfort and confidence of one’s clients.  Read More

5 Tips for a Successful Financial Advisor Podcast

Christopher Crawford

Reaching current and potential clients is dependent on finding the right method to catch their attention. Podcasts are a great way to showcase your expertise and share important insights in investment strategies and challenges.  Read More

Social Media Best Practices for Financial Advisors

Christopher Crawford

The challenges of the pandemic have been numerous, but for financial advisers, the real test has been to find ways to improve and foster client relationships.  Read More

Video Conferencing: Taking a Personalized Approach to Virtual Financial Advice

Christopher Crawford

With the sustained impact of a long-lasting pandemic and COVID-19 safety measures in place, tapping into the benefits of video conferencing is more important now than ever.  Read More

Growing Your Practice During COVID

Christopher Crawford

During these challenging times, growing a financial advisery firm remains a study in the fundamentals: understanding your clients and building on relationships.  Read More

Cybersecurity: What Financial Advisors Need to Consider

Christopher Crawford

The number of data breaches is skyrocketing. Although all industries have been affected, the volume of sensitive data and information that the financial industry stores makes them a prime target for hackers.  Read More

Improving Client Experience Through Better Risk Tolerance Assessments

Christopher Crawford

Heading into the end of the year, investors may be starting to rethink their investing strategies and re-assessing their risk tolerance. Advisors need to be in tune with the changing needs of investors and actively assess the risk they are willing to take in a potential bear market.  Read More

Millennials & Investing: Now is the Time to Invest Abroad

Christopher Crawford

With millennials expected to outnumber baby boomers this year, becoming the largest adult population in the U.S., how are millennials and their investment habits shaping the wealth management industry?  Read More

The Benefits and Risks of Target Date Funds for Millenials

Christopher Crawford

With a vast landscape of investment options available and limited knowledge in the market, many millennials are turning to target date funds (TDFs) as a set-it-and-forget-it investing method without knowing all the risks.  Read More

Why High-Net-Worth Individuals Should Invest Like Institutional Investors

Christopher Crawford

At first glance, High-Net-Worth (HNW) individuals may not seem to have many similarities with institutional investors. However, a closer look reveals that they actually have many qualities in common. These similarities highlight precisely why HNW individuals should also share many of the same investment strategies as financial institutions.  Read More

Top Components of an Effective Advisor Support System

Christopher Crawford

Keeping up with industry trends, individual client needs, and varied technologies draws time away from an adviser’s main focus: giving clients the best advice they can. The goal of an effective adviser support system is to make advisers more efficient, giving them the freedom to offer the high-level financial assistance that they are trained to provide.  Read More

Top 5 Questions Advisors Should Ask Fund Managers

Christopher Crawford

It’s not only fair but necessary to get a complete picture of the person entrusted with valuable assets. These questions can offer some guidelines when interacting with a mutual fund manager. The information you glean from the answers will give you a better understanding of what you can expect from your fund manager.  Read More

4 Strategies for Impactful Networking

Christopher Crawford

The vast majority of professionals agree that networking is one of the major keys to securing new prospective clients, sharing knowledge, and growing your business. So why does the practice get such a bad rap? The truth is that networking done correctly is as enjoyable and impactful as it is useful for your career.  Read More

How to Ask for Referrals the Right Way

Christopher Crawford

Referrals may be the most basic form of growth marketing, but they’re anything but simple. The desire to avoid burdening or alienating clients is the single biggest reason why advisers do not ask for referrals. However, those who do reach out for referrals tend to reap major rewards – referrals are the #1 source of new business for financial advisers. The key to making referrals work is to ask the right way.  Read More

Finding Your Voice: What Separates You From Other Advisors?

Christopher Crawford

Nowhere is this scarcity of clients more true than in the financial advisery world. Between the growing number of financial advisers (and now robo advisers) and the limited number of investors seeking their services, competition between advisers is hearty, to say the least. Given these circumstances, it’s important to ask yourself, why should investors choose you?  Read More

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Fundamental Approach

We get to know the companies we invest in and learn how they run their business.

Top-Down & Bottom-Up

We identify Top-Down broad, secular growth trends and search for companies from the Bottom-Up.

Proprietary Philosophy

We construct our portfolios based on our own proprietary investment strategy.

Disciplined Investing

Sticking to our disciplined investment strategy ensures we maintain a consistent, balanced approach.